The Forest Lodge Library would like to send a big ‘thank you!’ to the Cable UCC and the Cable UCC Women’s Fellowship and all that donated and shopped during this past year’s annual 2nd Chapter Christmas sale!
The 2nd Chapter Christmas sale was held on December 7th, during the annual ‘Christmas in Cable’. Many attended and many volunteered and donated to make the event a wonderful success!
Lisa Arthur, (event coordinator) and Shelly Wilson, (Cable UCC Women’s Fellowship Treasurer) presented Forest Lodge Library Director, Amanda Westlund with a check in the amount of $2,035.00.
The funds from this event will go to support the library expansion in the ways of future operation and maintenance costs, as well as any other areas needed as we move forward with the library expansion project.
We are thrilled for the amazing support and generosity the community has shown as we continue to advance on the Forest Lodge Library Expansion.
Thank you SO MUCH!