Area $$ Availability
Expansion Facility            $500,000   Available
Adult Collection Area  $150,000 Available
Children’s Collection & Program Area                                          $150,000  Ron & Patty Anderson
Connecting Corridor $100,000  Pending
 Media Lab  $100,000 Fritz & Kathy Friday 
 Circulation Area & Desk   $50,000    Available
 Staff Area         $35,000 Available
 Wisconsin Collection Reading Area            $30,000  Town of Namakagon
Study Room I    $30,000   Quinn Family
Study Room Il   $30,000 Fred & Winnie Gall Memorial
Program Pavillion          $25,000  Bill & Betty Nemec Memorial Pavilion
Foyer/Vestibule   $25,000 The Hans Rasmussen Family
Donor Recognition Wall   $25,000 Phil & Kathy Rasmussen Family/The Lakewoods
North Side Sustainable Garden    $15,000  Scott & Stacey McKinney
Young Adult Booth Seating Area           $15,000 Irv & Jan Berlin
Adult Learning and Tech Station                                     $10,000  Cable Area Lions Club
Book Drop                     $10,000  Cable Area Fitness Classes
Director’s Office   $10,000                        Family of Katie Flowers


Additional Naming Opportunities may be available after the concept design plans are finalized.