What is the goal and timeline for the campaign?
We are striving to reach the campaign goal of 1.7 million in funds raised for the project by December of 2023. The generosity of the community will directly impact the future library design of the Facility Expansion Project and the ability of the library to effectively serve our communities into the future.

When will the new library expansion be built?
We cannot proceed with turning this dream into a reality until the necessary funding is secured. This can include pledged funds, which may serve as proof of means to support a loan from an area bank or lending institution. Given post-pandemic upheaval and spiraling costs in the construction industry it is not possible to say with any confidence when after funding is assured, construction may commence…but it will be as soon as we can make it happen!

What will happen to the current log cabin?
There are no planned changes to the iconic log cabin. The proposed design will allow the beloved log cabin to still be used as an essential part of the library. As presently planned, it will serve as an adult reading room and will house periodicals, non-fiction and historical resources and may include a book sale area. An existing but currently unused side door will be the attachment site for the passageway to the expanded facility. One way in which its use may change is that it may be used as meeting and programming space, as was originally intended by Mary Livingstone Griggs when she built the Cable Community House (now known as the Forest Lodge Library) back in 1925. One feature that was lost when the expansion plan was recently downsized was a community room designed to hold 25-30 people and enable the library to offer programming events during hours of operation and meeting space to community organizations. Although the log cabin will still hold collection, it is thought that it can be used as a community room in afternoon hours.

About the size of it…what is the size of it?
Built in 1925 at just over 1,000 square feet, the library has remained unchanged for the past 95 years. We are now playing catch-up to serve an expanded population which doubles in the summer months. The currently proposed expansion facility is for 3600 square feet. The initial expansion proposal was sized at 7100 square feet. Given ever increasing construction costs the Library Board went back to the drawing board, reconsidering and reconfiguring the expansion plan until agreeing on the current plan. The Library Board feels that the current concept plan can accommodate all materials and services considered essential to a contemporary public library.

Weren’t there Endowment funds from the Mary Livingston Griggs and Mary Griggs Burke Foundation?
The library did not receive any final funding from the Mary Livingston Griggs and Mary Griggs Burke Foundation. The Cable Natural History Museum, which owns the log cabin in which the Forest Lodge Library is housed, received Endowment funds for the ongoing care and maintenance of the log cabin building and grounds. No Foundation money was directed to the library itself.

Why is the Children’s area so large? Will it be too noisy?
The number of juvenile and young adult users double from June through August. The free span ceiling structure of the expansion will allow adjustments to be made based on changing patron demographics and needs. Noisy programs or activities will be scheduled in the log cabin in the afternoon, during the time it is scheduled to function as a Community Room.

How is the library funded now?
The Forest Lodge Library is a joint library of the Towns of Cable and Namakagon. Each of these municipalities budgets an allotment to the library based on an equalized property values calculation. Their annual contribution must meet or exceed this defined amount to exempt them from paying County Library Tax.

Additional funds are received from Bayfield County and from adjacent counties which represent reimbursement for services rendered to residents of communities without libraries.

What is the financial plan to staff, maintain and operate the larger facility?
A low maintenance exterior and careful interior planning will help minimize maintenance expenses. The library has developed an estimated budget for operating expenses for the current and expanded facility. This document is available upon request. To date, fundraising has not been required for Forest Lodge Library operating expenses. In the future, an Annual Fund will be launched to assist with somewhat increased annual expenses.

Forest Lodge library is fortunate to have a great team of willing volunteers who may provide some staffing and maintenance assistance.

What about the grounds?
The Forest Lodge Library plans to work in concert with the Cable Natural History Museum to maintain a campus atmosphere surrounding the separate structures. A sustainable garden area is planned for the North Entrance of the Facility Expansion Building.

What about sustainable energy solutions?
Solar panels located on the roof of the Cable Natural History Museum currently power air conditioning in the log cabin. The proposed building site will be evaluated to determine if the inclusion of solar would or could become a viable option. Due to the lot size, geothermal is not a viable option.

While sustainable energy solutions are philosophically attractive and align with our values, they also need to be cost effective. Purchase support for alternative energy solutions is not presently widely available.

What will happen to the Book House?

The Book House will be removed from the property to make room for the expansion facility. At the time of this writing it is assumed that it will be re-located.

Will the library expansion have a space to sell donated and de-selected books and other materials?

At present we think an ongoing book sale site might be housed in the log cabin, but, no final decisions have been made. But…yes! There will be such a space!

How can I help?
Pledge today! You can fulfill your pledge over one to three years, whatever works best for you. Thank you!

Forest Lodge Library
P.O. Box 176
Cable, WI 54821