The Katie Flowers Endowment, the fundraising arm of the Forest Lodge Library, is managing the capital campaign for the library expansion project. Donation funds sent by check should be directed to that organization c/o the Forest Lodge Library, P O BOX 176, Cable, WI 54821. Donations made through the website will go directly to the Katie Flowers Endowment.

Mary Jean Fenske is the Katie Flowers Endowment Board President.

Campaign Committee

Mary Jean Fenske

Zach Larson
Kristine Lendved
Scott McKinney
Linda Parker
David Popelka
Janis Pribyl
Laurie St. Aubin-Whelihan

Campaign Cabinet Committee
Sara Balbin & Gary Crandall
Kathy & Ron Bergin
Joanne Cleary

Jackie Kruse
Rose & Raye Lahti
Shellie Milford
Terry Miller
Kathy Rasmussen
Anita Warren

Honorary Campaign Co-Chairs

Joanne Cleary – Namakagon
Terry Miller – Cable

Forest Lodge Library Board Trustees/Katie Flowers Endowment Members

Jan Berlin

Heidi Fereday

Mary Jean Fenske                                                                                                                                                     
Jackie Kruse
Kristine Lendved
Carl Lippert
Janis Pribyl

Melissa Rabska
JoAnn Schultz
Laurie St. Aubin-Whelihan

Janet Ziegler

In instances that an individual is serving in more than one capacity, their name can be found on all pertinent lists.

We offer our thanks to Community Members who assisted with earlier Library Expansion Project development.

Kathy Bergin*

Colleen Carter *
Joanne Cleary *
Mary D’Andrea
John Hand
Jim Jenkins
Karl Kastrosky
Judy Krueger *
Sarah Letke
Bill McKinney
Stacey McKinney
Terry Miller *
Maureen Palmer *
Anne Paul*
Terry Penman
Sarah Sisco *
Leslie Strapon
Anita Warren *
Amy Wiebusch*

*Former Forest Lodge Library Board of Trustees member