Bayfield County SAVE TO GIVE Challenge

SAVE TO GIVE is a program designed to help YOU save energy…and money…at home which will help our County and our community compile points to raise money for nonprofits in Bayfield County. The Cable/Namakagon recipient of these funds will be the Katie Flowers Endowment on behalf of the Library Expansion Project! The more energy you…

Be an Informed Voter!

The Town of Cable has a significant election coming up on April 6. Cable is moving from a 3-person to a 5-person Board. There are 2 candidates running for the position of Town Chairman and 6 candidates running for 4 Sideboard seats. In “normal” times the library would’ve hosted a Candidate’s Forum to give Cable-area…

Any Questions?

The Town of Cable has an important election coming up on  April 6th! Two individuals are running for the Town Chairman position and six for what will be, come April, a four-person Board. Some of them you may know…some of them you may not! You can find a short bio for each candidate on the…

The Door Opens!

The library has been open to our patrons for limited daily hours since Monday, March 1st. Hours that we are open will still be limited and some protocols will remain in place, but, we are so happy to see you again and talk of books and movies and all the interests that we share! Our…

Got speed?

The State of Wisconsin recognizes how very important quality internet access is for, well, just about anything these days. Remote work, economic opportunity, education, entertainment. These days it’s all found on the information highway…and some of us are traveling faster than others. Improving digital equity for everyone in our state improves everyone’s opportunities. Wisconsin’s Dept.…

Let’s Play Bingo!

Staff person Sidney Reynolds got to thinking we needed to have some fun this January! She put together this BINGO CARD to help you have fun AND read! You know how to play Bingo! All you need is five in a row; horizontally, vertically or diagonally. A single book may enable you to fill more…

Did we make your Christmas List?

We’ve been good. Really! And, because 2020 has been…the year that it has been…our collection development budget could use a little support for the upcoming year! Would you consider making a donation to the library that would cover the cost of one…or some other number…of hard-cover titles to help us keep our collection current? We…and…

The Furred, Finned, Feathered & Frosted

Story-teller Tracy Chipman returns with tales of the Furred, Finned, Feathered and Frosted! We hope you’ll Zoom on in and enjoy this venture into the age-old oral tradition of sharing stories. Wednesday, 12/23/2020 at 10 a.m. Here is the Zoom Link. Meeting ID: 896 3353 2792. Passcode: 819449. This performance has been scheduled in cooperation…