The links on this page will allow you to access the agendas and approved minutes from the Katie Flowers Endowment Board of Directors Meetings.
Click on the highlighted link provided to access the meeting information needed:
Agendas: Minutes:
01.2024 agenda 12.2023 minutes
02.2024 agenda 01.2024 minutes
03.2024 agenda 02.2024 minutes
04.2024 agenda 03.2024 minutes
05.2024 agenda 04.2024 minutes
06.2024 agenda 05.2024 minutes
07.2024 agenda 06.2024 minutes
08.2024 agenda 07.2024 minutes
09.2024 agenda 08.2024 minutes
10.2024 agenda 09.2024 minutes
11.2024 agenda 10.2024 minutes
12.2024 agenda 11.2024 minutes
1.2025 agenda 12.2024 minutes