If you’re interested in knowing what’s happening in your community, why not attend your Town’s Budget Hearing? And then take part in the Town Elector’s Special Meeting immediately following.
The Town of Cable’s Budget Hearing will be on Weds., 11/11/2020 at 7:00 p.m. at the Cable Community Centre,. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks will be required, as per Governor Evers’ order and seating in the room will be set up to allow for appropriate, safe social distancing. You also have the opportunity to attend the meeting virtually. Here is the link to the Zoom meeting. If you want to be close, wifi is available in the Community Centre parking lot and, well, hopefully you already know that the Forest Lodge Library has 24/7 wifi. We ask, as always, that you do NOT park on the shoulder between the Cable Natural History Museum and the library. It IS a no parking zone and people come around that curve so fast… The Special Elector’s Meeting, which is your opportunity to vote on the 2021 Budget, will be immediately after the Budget presentation by the Town Board. Voting will be by paper ballot. If you’ve attended virtually but WOULD like to vote, come to the Cable Community Centre within 30 minutes of the end of the meeting and you will be able to do so.
The Town of Namakagon Budget Hearing and Special Elector’s meeting will be at the Namakagon Town Hall on Thursday, 11/12/2020 beginning at 7:00 p.m.

Construction site crane building a blue 3D text. Part of a series.