The library has been open to our patrons for limited daily hours since Monday, March 1st. Hours that we are open will still be limited and some protocols will remain in place, but, we are so happy to see you again and talk of books and movies and all the interests that we share! Our doors will be open Monday – Friday, noon until 4 and Saturday, 11-2. We’ll continue with curbside service and look for increased access hours beginning in June.
We will continue to ask you to mask. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one with you. We will continue to ask patrons to wear masks while in the library. Our patrons include at-risk patrons and those who have not had an opportunity to get vaccinated. As fierce protectors of patron privacy, we will not ask you if you are vaccinated. Thus, to respect all and protect all, our mask policy will remain until concern about contagion is significantly reduced.
Hand sanitizer will be available as well as gloves. We encourage you to enter via the “back” door and exit through the front, although we understand that weather may have something to say about that. We will still comply with the State recommendation to cap the number of people who can be in the library at one time at 8, to allow for safe social distancing.
For those who prefer to continue to receive library materials curbside, we will continue to offer that service! We will ask you to confirm a pick-up time before you show up. We may not be quite as able to offer the service at a moment’s notice, but…we aim to please and will get your items ready for your pick-up as soon as we are able!
As per our Pandemic Policy, if COVID cases in our County or our community should reach a crisis level we may, again, return to curbside only service. Of course, we are hoping that things will move in the OTHER direction!
If you’ve been vaccinated…GREAT! Just the same, we ask that continue to mask and social distance to assure the continued good health of everyone…until that happy day when the danger of spreading the virus has passed.