November 11, 2020: Given the current state of COVID-19 cases in our own and adjacent counties, the staff and Board of the Forest Lodge Library have determined that, to protect the health and safety of our patrons and our staff, we will offer curbside pickup only service. This determination will be reviewed at regular intervals and changes to this policy will depend on COVID status in our communities and the advice of the Bayfield County Health Dept.
Curbside pickup hours are M-F 11-4 or Sat. 11-2…unless other arrangements are made in advance.
We encourage you to order items via our online catalog, as per usual. Or, if you aren’t comfortable with that or simply need some help negotiating it, or would like some recommendations on what to read next do not hesitate to give us a call at 715-798-3189. Leave a message if no one answers and we’ll get back to you as soon as we are able. You can also email us at We’ll contact you by phone or email when your requested item is available for curbside pickup. We do encourage you to be sure we’ve confirmed a pick-up time with you! We try to stay current on emails and phone messages, but, so you know, our in-house tech lacks beeps or blinks to advise us that we have new messages.
If you have other service needs, like copying or printing, we can still help with that! Files emailed to us can be printed for you. You can slip a file of items you need copies through the slot in our front door. We can even still FAX for you. And…of course, your privacy is very important to us. Any files emailed to us are not retained.
We certainly look forward to the time we can safely and responsibly open the library for public access again. We hope you’ll help us hasten when that can happen by masking, limiting your travel outside your home, washing your hands, maintaining proper social distancing when you do interact with others and…well…being as responsible as you can to protect public health!

The learning center of the community
If you have any questions or concerns about our protocols or policies, please contact Library Director Kristine Lendved at or 715-798-3189.