Thanks Nickolas Butler…and Redbery Books

An engaged group enjoyed our event with Nickolas Butler at the Cable Community Center on Thursday, 5/30. Butler read the first chapter of his most recent title, LITTLE FAITH, and entertained questions from the audience on this book, it’s character and environs, on his working methods and on what he’s working on next. (sounds mad!…


Hard not to notice that there’s big works going on in our yard! Well, our back door doesn’t look like THIS anymore…and is, in fact, currently open for biz and connected to a set of walkways that connect library and museum. While the yard is SOMEwhat accessible, we encourage caution, as work is ongoing! Still…

Director Lendved goes to Pre-School!

Director Lendved LOVES being invited to come to the Cable PreSchool to read a few books to the kids…especially during Dinosaur Week! We looked at a few non-fiction books, and offered up some dino facts and science. Then we read a couple of FUN ones. Everybody really liked TYRANNOSAURUS REX VS. EDNA THE CHICKEN. Everybody…

Alice Isn't Dead

Kristine’s February 2019 Staff Pick

ALICE ISN’T DEAD by Joseph Fink “Keisha Taylor lived a quiet life with her wife, Alice, until the day that Alice disappeared. After months of searching, presuming she was dead, Keisha held a funeral, mourned, and gradually tried to get on with her life. But, that was before Keisha started to see her wife, again,…

Added Warmth & Comfort

We’re excited to share the news that the work on our fireplace is complete, the gas insert has been installed, it looks and works great and, for possibly the first time since there was a wood fire in the fireplace, that end of the building is warm and cozy. So…c’mon in and cozy up in…